Online printing
Create your flyer without stress, printing service included. Whether its for advertising agency or end customer, we print your letterhead always with quality control included. This saves time and money because the order is always examine by our team before printing. So if you forget something, or you have sent wrong print files, we'll check it and let you know in a timely manner. This service only works for printed products ordered online.
Graphic design
Take full advantage of our online advertising agency. In just a few steps, you can easily compile your corporate design. We can help you with the design and printing afterwards. It's very simple:
- Configure product (number of copies, color, paper, finishing, etc.)
- Select the option "Print + graphic design"
- Upload texts and pictures or other files
- Add to Cart
- Order online
You can configure several products like business cards, flyers and posters and add them to your shopping cart. This gives you all the products in a consistent design. What are the steps of producing your materials?
- Our designers will contact you by phone / email
- A draft is prepared and the graphic design begins
- You will receive a proof of concept by email
- After your confirmation, the order will be printed and shipped
Please note that we can charge extra for a complex graphic design or large changes. The price for the graphic design is based on average hourly rates.
Create a print file
Sie können die Druckdatei für Ihren Flyer Quadrat klein auch selbst gestalten und die Flyer bei uns drucken. Profitieren Sie dabei von unserer kostenfreien Qualitätskontrolle. Wir empfehlen die Arbeit mit der aktuellen Version von Adobe Illustrator, um gute Druckergebnisse zu gewährleisten. Weitere Seiten müssen als zusätzliche Arbeitsfläche angelegt werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle unten aufgelisteten Kriterien zur Druckdatei-Erstellung beachtet werden müssen.
If you don't know how to create proper printing file, we recommend the option "Print + Graphic design". In this case, you can send us all the necessary files separately and we will take care of the design for you.
- Dateigröße: 100 x 100 mm
- Bleed: 3 mm on all sides.
- Accepted file formats: .pdf, .eps, .ai
- Number of pages: 2-sided / 1-sided (depending on option)
Additional Information
- Always create all print files in CMYK color mode
- All fonts should be converted into paths/curves
- Important: spelling and typographical errors are not checked and corrected by us,
- Transparencies, comment and form fields are automatically removed
- Important elements such as texts or logo should have a minimum distance of 4 mm from all edges in the final design - more info see above.
- Graphical elements, like background, must be dragged to the edges of the design